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West Nile

What is West Nile virus?

The West Nile virus is spread by mosquitoes. Mosquitoes can get infected when they bite infected birds. Then the mosquitoes spread the virus when they bite people or animals. West Nile cannot spread from animals to people or from person to person through casual contact.

West Nile can spread through organ transplants or a blood transfusion. All donated blood in the United States is screened to see if the virus is present. Most people who have West Nile have no symptoms. Or the symptoms may be so mild that people may not even realize that they have the virus. In rare cases, West Nile can lead to swelling of the brain (encephalitis), swelling of the spinal cord (myelitis), or swelling of the tissues around the brain and spinal cord (meningitis). But very few people with West Nile will get a brain or a spinal cord illness.

Anyone who is bitten by a mosquito may get West Nile. Most of the time, people fully recover from it. But permanent problems such as seizures, memory loss, and brain damage can occur, especially in children and older people. As you get older, you have a higher risk for getting encephalitis and other serious problems from West Nile. Of the people who have serious problems, those older than age 70 have the biggest risk of dying from them.

What are the symptoms?

About 80 % of people who have West Nile have no symptoms. When symptoms do appear, they begin 3 to 14 days after the mosquito bite.

Mild symptoms include: A fever, headaches, body aches, or pain in your eyes. A rash, usually on the chest, back, and arms.
Feeling very tired, not feeling hungry.
Feeling sick to your stomach or throwing up.
Swollen glands ( lymph nodes ), in rare cases.

In mild cases of West Nile, symptoms usually last for 3 to 6 days. If you get a more severe case of West Nile, symptoms can last for weeks or months. Severe cases that involve problems with the brain and spinal cord are rare, but they may cause:

Headaches, high fever, stiff neck or paralysis.
Confusion, Reduced attention to surroundings.
Tremors, convulsions, or muscle weakness, a coma.
Rare cases of West Nile can result in fatality.


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